Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Howdy to All

We here at the Storm Haven Studio would like to invite ya’ll to come join in our initial class offering!

This initial class will be FREE to attend! Space is limited! Please Call {337-3044...642-8310...642-6338} so you won't miss this opportunity to Feel Better for FREE!

It is a Qigong class being taught by Qigong therapist Sue

A quick overview as to what the modality consists of for those who are not familiar with the practice.

The modality of Qigong is a major healing modality used in the Art of TCM or Traditional Chinese Medicine!

The term Qigong when broken down translates to Qi, which means Energy, and the term Gong means work!

Hence we have Energy Work.

Qi is the energy that flows throughout the entire universe, which includes the energy within one’s body!

There are three modes of Qigong, they are martial arts, medical arts, and the spirituality of the modality!
These classes will deal with the Medical aspect of the modality.

This practice aids in the prevention of disease as well as healing of oneself from within. This is accomplished by utilizing three aspects which are breathing exercises, gentle exercise movements and using ones intentions through visualization to help heal and prevent diseases….

The great point to this is that no matter what one’s state of mobility, anyone can join in because the gentle exercises can be done in a standing, sitting or even a reclined position

Please come join the Class which will be the initial offering at the newly formed Storm Haven Studio Center on Veterans Day Friday November 11 @ 11:00 A.M.

During this initial offering Sue Tenzyk will enlighten the participants as to the actual process of the Qigong modality that one can use to help them open their chakras to lead to a more energetic and hopefully renewed sense of well being and health.



This is a quick overview of what the Qigong modality consists of!

The first class will be offered at Storm Haven as the launch of the niche oriented venue on Veterans Day Friday November 11 at 11:00 A.M.

Please come and enjoy the first of these interesting healing
classes to help prepare you for the rest of your day by looking within for Energy Guidance!

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